3rd Annual Workshop
Dear Colleagues and Friends
We are pleased to announce the third annual 1-day workshop of the EMSIG focus group MODEST (Modern trends in short and medium-range sensing) which is planned to be held on 11th December 2020.
Due to the ongoing uncertainty of the pandemic, the format will be virtual via MS Teams.
Invitations have been sent to the registered participants via email.
Please feel free to share this information with any colleagues who might be interested.
Registration can be done via the following form:
For more information, you can visit the focus group webpage at:
Our aim is to re-engage across the academic, industrial and government radar communities after the Covid-19 disruption and share knowledge in the latest advances/ developments in the rapidly developing area of sensing for situational awareness.
We are inviting researchers to present talks/ posters within a broad range of topics, including:
hardware design of the individual sensor
system architecture and resource management
algorithm development, signal and image processing, and data fusion
machine learning algorithms and classification and recognition
calibration methods and techniques for testing and validation.
In addition to completing the survey, please don’t hesitate to express your interest/discuss/make suggestions with the MODEST group chairs:
Dimitrios Tzagkas (dtzagkas@jaguarlandrover.com)
Duncan Robertson (dar@st-andrews.ac.uk)
Marina Gashinova (M.S.Gashinova@bham.ac.uk)
We look forward to welcoming you to the MODEST workshop!