EMSIG Seminars 2022
Seminar 1
Date: 24/06/2022
Time: 2:30 pm
Speaker: Dr. Alex Charlish - FKIE, Germany
Title: Generating NLFM Radar Waveforms Modulations Using Variational Autoencoders
Meeting ID: 998 6778 4993
Passcode: 076714
Seminar 2
Date: 08/07/2022
Time: 2:30 pm
Speaker: Prof. Hongbo Sun - Institute for Infocomm Research, Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), Singapore
Title: "Passive through-wall human sensing with WiFi signal"
Abstract: "Through-wall human sensing is of high interest for both military and non-military applications, including counter-terrorism and law enforcement purposes, particularly in the modern, highly urbanized environment. Conventional active radar sensors possess good performance, however, at the expense of high cost and complexity of the transmitter/receiver design. In this talk, the potentials of passive through-wall human sensing using opportunistic WiFi signals are investigated. Our measurement results demonstrated that the WiFi-based passive radar is capable of detecting not only major human motions such as walking and waving hand, but also very small motions such as keyboard typing and breathing. In addition, an Iterative Adaptive Approach (IAA) is applied to effectively improve the Doppler resolution of WiFi passive radar. These enhanced sensitivities greatly expand the potential of WiFi passive radar for through-wall sensing applications."
Meeting ID: 961 5574 6534
Passcode: 191964
Seminar 3
Date: 12/08/2022
Time: 2:30 pm
Speaker: Prof. Simon Watts
Title : "Challenges in sea clutter modelling”. The work presented has been published in open-access paper can be downloaded at http://doi.org/10.1049/rsn2.12272.
Abstract: The ability to detect small targets in sea clutter is still an ongoing challenge, even for modern radar systems. Over the past decade, the development of new radar waveforms and signal processing algorithms has been assisted by an increasingly good understanding of the characteristics of sea clutter. Nevertheless, many challenges remain in the development of robust sea clutter models that span the wide range of sea conditions and viewing geometries encountered in practice. This paper describes the current challenges with some suggestions on how they can be overcome.
Meeting ID: 953 1004 8123
Passcode: 799307