EMSIG Symposium/ SAR Focus Group Meeting 2024
The EMSIG Annual Symposium and SAR focus group meeting will be held at Manchester at the University of Manchester on the 16th and 17th October. The SAR event will be held on 16th October and the main symposium on 17th October.
This will be an IN-PERSON event only and will run from 9am-5pm.
Sign up link: EMSIG Symposium/ SAR Focus Group Meeting
Registrations for the SAR day have closed now.​
YOU CAN ONLY ATTEND IF YOU HAVE REGISTERED. We have limited capacity at the venue so PLEASE let us know if you can no longer attend to ensure we can manage these spaces. To avoid disappointment, please register no later than 27/09/24. Registration may close early once venue capacity is reached.
Main Symposium
The event will be held on 17th October, at the Core Technology Facility at the southern end of our Oxford Road campus, from 09:00 until 17:00.
For general information about visiting the University of Manchester, please see the following page: https://www.manchester.ac.uk/about/maps/
​​The day will have a combination of EMSIG updates, technical talks from invited speakers, PhD/Post-doc/Industry posters showing recent Radar/RF sensing research, and networking opportunities.
​The agenda currently looks like the following:
9am Coffee / Registration
EMSIG Welcome 9:30am-9:45am
Welcome address
Presentations 9:45am-10:45am
Dr. Fabrizio Berizzi – NATO DIANA – An R&D Scientific Opportunity for Defence Applications
Prof. Marco Martorella – University of Birmingham – Radar for Space Domain Awareness
Poster session – 10:45am - 12:15pm Poster stands for research posters to be presented
Lunch 12:15pm-1:15pm
Presentations 1:15pm - 3:15pm
Prof. Danielle George – University of Manchester - Marconi and the invisible universe
Onur Kris – University College London – Eruption Detection and FMCW Radar-Based Pyroclastic Flow Monitoring
Dr. Joshua Hellier – University of Manchester - Target Localisation in Multistatic Pulse-Doppler Radar
Prof. Amit Mishra – National Spectrum Centre /Aberystwyth University – Radar Signal Understanding: Phenomenology to Deep Learning to BICA
Coffee break 3:15pm - 3:45pm
Presentations 3:45pm - 4:45pm
Dr. Jessica Boland – University of Manchester - Taking radar towards the terahertz range: Material characterisation and THz devices
Dr. Dan Mannion / Dr. Edward Gunn – Alan Turing Institute - AI for EW
Wrap up at 5pm
SAR Focus Group
The event will be held in the Frank Adams Seminar Room, Department of Mathematics, Alan Turing Building, on our Oxford Road Campus: https://www.maths.manchester.ac.uk/about/maps-and-travel/
For general information about visiting the University of Manchester, please see the following page: https://www.manchester.ac.uk/about/maps/
When you enter the building, go through the first door to your right opposite the reception desk, then take the stairs to the first floor. Turn left out onto the corridor, and continue along the atrium walkway towards the far-left (South-West) corner of the building. If you took the lift, walk straight ahead after you exit. This will all be signposted.
Registrations for this event are at room capacity, so if you no longer intend to travel we would be most grateful if you could let us know.